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과천 식물카페 마이알레 (Cafe My Allee) 마이알레 (My Allee) 주소/Address: 경기도 과천시 삼부골3로 17 영업시간/Open: 매일 11:00- 22:00, 월요일 휴무 (Close on Monday) 주차는 카페 뒷편 전용 주차장. If you are looking for a cafe where you could feel some green and outdoor near Seoul, there is a cafe called My Allee in Gua-cheon, Kyunkido. It was around September and the weather was perfect. Food/coffee was pricy(around 8,000won for a cup of coffee) but the atmosphere was very .. 2020. 11. 12.
Songdo Root Bakery 송도 루트베이커리 송도 루트베이커리(Root Bakery) call: 032-832-4181 Address: 인천 연수구 아트센터대로 131(Art center daero 131) 친절하신 사장님 덕분에 기분 좋은 빵쇼핑을 할 수 있는 곳. There is a bakery where you could get some fresh and delicious bread in Canal Walk, Songdo. They are known for chestnut bread which gets sold out easily, but it seems most of bread is great. definately recommend to check out! 2020. 11. 4.
[Seoul] Old Ferry Donut(올드페리도넛) 올드페리도넛(Old Ferry Donut) 서울특별시 용산구 한남대로27길 66 Main entrance 건물의 2층으로 올라오면 보이는 감성돋는 입구. 누가 인테리어 했는지 칭찬해. Open: 10am - 10pm It seems they close on Tuesday. Cute interior! and goods like t-shirts and phone cases. There were about 4 or 5 tables, not big but cute. 내부 인테리어 쿨하고 힙해! 올드페리 도넛 티셔츠랑 폰케이스도 판매한다. 매장이 크진 않지만 천장이 높아 좁게 느껴지지 않아요. Here we go, our coffee and donuts! look at those fine latte art. 우리.. 2020. 10. 30.